==== Geometry details view ==== The geometry details view contains all important information about a geometry. This includes a 3D view generated by Geometry Manager for visual control. The 3D view contains (seen from left to right) a 3D model with a Test Normal Map to check the UV coordinates, a complete 3D model with a detailed texture (gray leather) and (if supported) a 3D model with the 2nd UV set from the geometry with a Test Normal Map to check it. When opening a geometry, a mesh is always searched in the geometry with the default resolution. The CTM format is always preferred over OBJ. With the buttons "Show standard mesh" and "Show hires mesh" you can switch between the standard mesh and the high resolution mesh at any time. === 3D View controls === If the selected geometry contains information about the dimensions, they will be displayed as X,Y,Z value (in meters). If the geometry does not provide dimensions, a slider below the 3D view can be used to control the distance between the 3D objects, selecting the smallest distance in the left direction. With the help of the button "Download OC zip" the 3D preview can be downloaded as a ZIP and viewed e.g. in the OpenConfiguration Portal. === Details === Using the "Details" button you can view the complete list of all meshes, normal maps and deformation of geometry in all supported resolutions (standard, high resolution). The list also contains information about the file format, file size and the last modification on the disk. === State and properties === On the right side of the view, the current requirements for a geometry are stored in the form of properties. This includes the mesh formats, normal maps, deformations, patch size, alignment and orientation as well as a description and a remark. The four buttons show the current review status of the geometry: * **Open** (the geometry is still under review), * **Accept** (the geometry has been reviewed and accepted), * **Reject** (the geometry has been returned to the supplier with change requests) and * **Request** (changes to the geometry have been required). The buttons are also used to change the status. With **Request** the requirements can be edited and then saved. When rejecting a geometry with **Reject**, a reason must be entered. One can choose a reason from a selection list or enter one's own text. === Navigation === To navigate between the individual geometries within a project, the **Previous**, **Overview** and **Next** buttons can be used. Navigation events always save the current changes to an geometry.