====== Products/Graphical/Geometry ====== You need to select a Product in either [[ig.creator:products|Products]] or [[ig.creator:assets:commercial|Assets/Commercial]] to enter this page. If no Product is selected, you will be re-directed automatically. ===== Geometries Overview ===== On this page a geometry can be assigned to a node. Each node can only hold one geometry. If multiple geometries are needed, create a node structure.\\ The table shown below holds the following information read from left to right. \\ The values can be edited by clicking the __Edit__ button at the end of each line. :!: Keep in mind, the layout will change during editing. Check the labels next to each area while filling the areas. {{ :ig.creator:products:graphical:geometryoverview.png?600 |}} ==== Path ==== A list of all available nodes with their specific geometrical properties. ==== Description ==== The description of each node ==== Geometry ==== Choose a geometry from the list provided by the drop-down menu, type in a specific name or choose a geometry via a JavaScript snippet. |Geometry {}: Geometry_Lth |Set a fix value| |Geometry {}: {'Geometry_' + ComCoverType} |Simple JavaScript expression using a Commercial property| |Geometry {}: {$c.getGeometryByType()} |JavaScript expression using a function from the Context| Make sure the geometries are provided under the Assets/Geometries page ==== Scale ==== Each geometry can change its scale. Keep in mind, the default scale is **1**.\\ :!: Scaling factors lower than 0 will not mirror the geometry, they are reserved for deformations. (together with a deformation interactor) In this case, only one axis is used, the others will be set to 1.0. A scaling factor of -1 represents an animation state of 100%. \\ A scaling factor of -0.123 represents an animation state of 12.3% Scaling factors can be assigned through a number or a JavaScript snipped: |Scale X {} = 1.0: 1.5 |Set a fix value| |Scale X {} = 1.0: {1/ComSeatHeight} |Simple JavaScript expression using a Commercial property| |Scale X {} = 1.0: {$c.getGeometryScale()} |JavaScript expression using a function from the Context| :!: Setting a scaling factor will influence a child node as well, even if the child node's scale shows 1. ==== Layer ==== Each node can be assigned to a Layer. The Layers give an extra option to filter for nodes.