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Shape files are created in JSON format and are therefore subject to the requirements for this format.
A separate Shapes file should always be created and maintained for each model or series of a supplier.
Shape files consist of the following objects on the first level:
For all length values: format is Number, the decimal separator is a . and m is expected as unit.
In the JSON the Shapes JSON Schema file can/should be specified in the first place. This allows intelligent editors like Visual Studio Code to provide parameter validity and auto-completion when creating the file.
`“$schema”: ““`
In the JSON file, the object #svg is used to provide the IG.GFX.ShapeCreator with general settings for the SVG creation. The following properties are supported:
Name | Type | Default | Description/Values |
Scale | Number | 0.1 | The scaling for the SVG. Default is 0.1. |
OffsetX | Int | 0 | Increases the ViewBox of the SVG (width) by n pixels, recommended is 1. |
OffsetY | Int | 0 | Increases the ViewBox of the SVG (height) by n pixels, recommended is 1. |
AttachPoints | Boolean | false | Creates leader lines for all symbols for use in XcR-Cat if true. |
AttachMode | String | LR | Creates, if AttachPoints is true, the left (L) and/or right (R) attachment line. |
Attachment lines should only be created if you are dealing with single elements that can be planned. You should not create any lines for composite elements.
All SVG settings apply to all symbols, but they can be overridden per symbol if necessary.
{ "#svg": { ... "AttachPoints": false, "AttachMode": "LR" }, "#common": { ... }, "Shapes": { "Armrest_Right": { "#svg": { "AttachPoints": true, "AttachMode": "L" }, "amrest": { "#armrest#1": {} } }, ... } }
In the JSON file, the object #common is used to provide the IG.GFX.ShapeCreator with general values for the furniture to be created for the SVG creation. The following properties are supported:
Property | Type | Default | Description/Values |
Mode | String | cushion | The type of furniture, controls the display of shapes. Currently only upholstered furniture (cushion) is supported. |
ArmrestWidth | Number | 0.15 | Specifies the width of the armrests (cushion mode). |
ArmrestDepth | Number | 1.0 | Specifies the depth of the armrests (cushion mode). |
BackseatDepth | Number | 0.15 | Specifies the depth of the back cushions (cushion mode). |
SeatDepth | Number | 0.85 | Specifies the seating depth of the sofas (cushion mode). |
Rounding | Number | 0.05 | Specifies the standard diameter of the rounded corners. |
Model | String | Name or Id of the model/series for the creation of the symbols. |
"#common": { "Mode": "cushion", "ArmrestWidth": 0.15, "ArmrestDepth": 0.72, "BackseatDepth": 0.15, "SeatDepth": 0.57, "Rounding": 0.05, "Model": "test" }
For each product of a model or series for which a 2D symbol is required, a symbol should be defined in the Shapes object. The name of the object also specifies the file name, so you should use meaningful product names. Characters outside the alphabet and numbers as well as _ or - should be avoided. Spaces are to be avoided in any case.
Each symbol in turn consists of a list of components, which are to be understood like a construction plan. Each component in turn can consist of a number of defined character elements.
Parts and drawing elements in turn can have defined properties that influence the generation of SVG symbols.
Figure: Components (red text) and associated drawing elements (black text).
This is best illustrated by the following examples.
"Hocker_100x100": { "hocker": { "Width": 1.0, "Depth": 1.0, "#box": { "corner": "round" } } }
A stool usually consists of exactly one component, here “stool “. The width and depth are specified as 1.0 m. The defined drawing element #box is used for the representation, here with round corners. The diameter of the corners is taken from the general furniture settings (#common, Rounding).
Figure: Stool with character element #box and the properties
Width and Depth are properties of the component “stool “, corner is a property of the defined drawing element #box.
"2SEATER_REC_RECHTS": { "2": { "Width": 1.4, "#armrest#1": { "corner_3": "round", "diameter_3": 0.075 }, "#seat#1": {}, "#seat#2": {} }, "rec": { "Width": 1.1, "#seat#1": { "SeatDepth": 1.2, "corner_2": "round", "diameter_2": 0.05, "corner_3": "round", "diameter_3": 0.05 }, "#armrest#1": { "corner_2": "round", "diameter_2": 0.075 } } }
This combination has a total width of 2.8 m and a total depth of 1.35 m (recamiere). The sofa itself is 0.72 m deep with a back section depth of 0.15 m.
The combination consists of the components “2” (2-seater sofa with armrest left) and “rec” (recamier with armrest right). The sofa has a total width of 1.55 m (incl. armrest) and the recamier has a total width of 1.25 m (incl. armrest).
Figure: Combination of several components and elements and the properties (exemplary).
For the representation of the sofa and the recamier the drawing elements #armrest and #seat are used. Depending on the requirements, these are adjusted via supported properties.
The following example shows a corner combination.
"2_e_3": { "2": { "Width": 1.4, "Rotation": -90, "#armrest#1": { "corner_3": "round", "diameter_3": 0.075 }, "#seat#1": {}, "#seat#2": {} }, "e": { "#corner#1": { "Width": 0.83, "Depth": 0.83, "Orientation": "left" } }, "3": { "Width": 2.1, "#seat#1": {}, "#seat#2": {}, "#seat#13": {}, "#armrest#1": { "corner_2": "round", "diameter_2": 0.075 } } }
For corners it is important to rotate the corresponding parts before corner using the Rotation property. In this case it is left aligned corner with a rotation of -90°, for right aligned corners the rotation must be set to 90°.
Components support the following properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description/Values |
Width | Number | 1.0 | Specifies the total width of the component. |
Depth | Number | 1.0 | Specifies the total depth of the component. |
Rotation | Grad | 0 | Rotates the entire component (including the elements) by n degrees. |
Orientation | String | none | Aligns the component. if supported. Possible values are none, left or right. |
ArmrestWidth | Number | 0.15 | Specifies the width of the armrests (cushion mode). |
ArmrestDepth | Number | 1.0 | Specifies the depth of the armrests (cushion mode). |
BackseatDepth | Number | 0.15 | Specifies the depth of the back cushions (cushion mode). |
SeatDepth | Number | 0.85 | Specifies the seating depth of the sofas (cushion mode). |
All parts and drawing elements use the values defined in the general #common settings. However, these can be overridden per part (or drawing element) if required, as indicated in the table above.
The following drawing elements are defined in the “cushion” mode and can be used in the parts:
Each drawing element can have the following properties:
Property | Type | Default | Description/Values |
Width | Number | 1.0 | Set width for the drawing element. |
Depth | Number | 1.0 | Set depth for the drawing element. |
ArmrestWidth | Number | 0.15 | Specifies the width of the armrests (cushion mode). |
ArmrestDepth | Number | 1.0 | Specifies the depth of the armrests (cushion mode). |
BackseatDepth | Number | 0.15 | Specifies the depth of the back cushions (cushion mode). |
SeatDepth | Number | 0.85 | Specifies the seating depth of the sofas (cushion mode). |
Orientation | String | none | Aligns the character element. if supported. Possible values are none, left or right. |
RenderMode | String | standard | Changes the representation of the created seat. |
corner | String | corner | Changes the display of all corners, supported is corner (Corners) or round (Rounded corners). Only for drawing element #box! |
diameter | Number | 0.05 | Specifies the diameter for the rounded corners. Only for drawing element #box! |
corner_2 | String | corner | If “round” the <u>right</u> lower corner of the seat will be rounded. Only for character elements #seat and #armrest! |
diameter_2 | Number | 0.05 | Specifies the diameter for the rounded corner. |
corner_3 | String | corner | If “round” the <u>left</u> bottom corner of the seat will be rounded. Only for character elements #seat and #armrest! |
diameter_3 | Number | 0.05 | Specifies the diameter for the rounded corner. |
The element #seat can take the following representations:
The following drawing elements support different orientations:
Seats and armrests support the rounding of the under left (3) and right corner (2).
Drawing elements can be given various extensions that can be used to display additional functions. These include, for example, a pull-out function, LED lighting or electronic seat depth adjustments.
A PullOut element represents an arrow for displaying a pull-out function. With the help of the “Align” property, the arrow can be aligned to the associated drawing element. Thereby