Table of Contents


This page and it's sub pages implement the creation of parametric 3D descriptions for the Products.

The following pages are provided:

All pages share a common selection state. The Planner page does not require a selected Product.

This page provides the full access to all component's properties like positions, rotations or nodes creation.

These options give controll over the structure's navigation and structure building.

2) Component

The Component section holds information about the current selected node, a description of the current node as well visibility and selection options for this node.

The Visible section manages the visibility of a component.
It takes fix booleans as well well as JavaScript expressions returning a boolean.
The images below shows three examples to fill this area.
The visibility can be set either with true or false.

Or you can type in a JavaScript function for a more complex behaivior of the visibility giving back a true or false as result.

Visible {}: false Set a fix value
Visible {}: {ComShowComponent === 'Yes'} Simple JavaScript expression using a Commercial property
Visible {}: {$c.toggleVisibility()} JavaScript expression using a function from the Context

To learn more about using JavaScript expressions and Context functions, see the following links: Needs to be provided

Selectable defines if this node can be selected inside the 3D view with the mouse. The selectivity was mainly used to group nodes and provide interaction options for Interactors if they use mouse controll.

There are four options.

Note: After filling these areas, don't forget to press the Apply button!

3) Position and Rotation

Positions and Rotations of a node can be set here.
Positions are provided in meters.
Rotations are provided in degrees. :!: Each node can only hold one rotation around one axis. :!: If more than one rotation axis is needed, this must be done by creating several child nodes.

Each area can hold a fix value as a number or it can hold JavaScript code returning a number.
For details see the section 2) Component → Visible or see the following links: Needs to be provided

Note: After filling these areas, don't forget to press the Apply button!

4) Geometry

In this section a geometry can be applied to the node. The area is devided into two parts. On the left side there is a preview window. If the geometrie provides a preview, it is shown there.

On the right side there are parameters to set up the geometry.

Note: After filling these areas, don't forget to press the Apply button!

5) Material

In this section a material or a mapping can be assigned.

Note: After filling these areas, don't forget to press the Apply button!

6) Evaluator and Interactor

In this section a preview of the assigned evaluator and interactor can be seen. To assign an evaluator or interactor see the corresponding sections: