You need to select a Product in either Products or Assets/Commercial to enter this page. If no Product is selected, you will be re-directed automatically.
An Evaluator is a fix structure created from a script. This script is programmed externally. Evaluator parameters help to exert influence on the evaluator.
Evaluators can be used to create structures that can be reused inside different structures. Generally each workspace needs to create its own evaluators from scratch.
There are some predefined IG standard Evaluators available. Ask your IG contact for more details.
An Evaluator can be choosen at the top line by typing in the name or selecting it from the dropdown menu. An Evaluator is only availabe if it was uploaded as a Script to the Creator.
Note the small arrow for the drop-down menu on the right side!
An Evaluator can have several parameters which give the option to take influence on the evaluator. Evaluator parameters needs to be provided by the uploaded scripts, too. Otherwise this table is empty.
Each parameter is defined by the following proporties:
Value {}: false | Set a fix value |
Value {}: {ComShowComponent === 'Yes'} | Simple JavaScript expression using a Commercial property |
Value {}: {$c.toggleVisibility()} | JavaScript expression using a function from the Context |
To learn more about using JavaScript expressions and Context functions, see the following links: Needs to be provided
In case searching for an asset or a layer for use inside the table and without switching between the Creators pages, on the end of this part there is an option to search for Available Assets.
A search mechanism for the most used assets is available.
An Evaluator can have an image that shows and helps understanding the Evaluator and its parameters. The image can be uploaded together with the Evaluator script.