Table of Contents


You need to select a Product in either Products or Assets/Commercial to enter this page. If no Product is selected, you will be re-directed automatically.

Geometries Overview

On this page a geometry can be assigned to a node. Each node can only hold one geometry. If multiple geometries are needed, create a node structure.
The table shown below holds the following information read from left to right.
The values can be edited by clicking the Edit button at the end of each line.

:!: Keep in mind, the layout will change during editing. Check the labels next to each area while filling the areas.


A list of all available nodes with their specific geometrical properties.


The description of each node


Choose a geometry from the list provided by the drop-down menu, type in a specific name or choose a geometry via a JavaScript snippet.

Geometry {}: Geometry_Lth Set a fix value
Geometry {}: {'Geometry_' + ComCoverType} Simple JavaScript expression using a Commercial property
Geometry {}: {$c.getGeometryByType()} JavaScript expression using a function from the Context

Make sure the geometries are provided under the Assets/Geometries page


Each geometry can change its scale. Keep in mind, the default scale is 1.
:!: Scaling factors lower than 0 will not mirror the geometry, they are reserved for deformations. (together with a deformation interactor) In this case, only one axis is used, the others will be set to 1.0.

A scaling factor of -1 represents an animation state of 100%.
A scaling factor of -0.123 represents an animation state of 12.3%

Scaling factors can be assigned through a number or a JavaScript snipped:

Scale X {} = 1.0: 1.5 Set a fix value
Scale X {} = 1.0: {1/ComSeatHeight} Simple JavaScript expression using a Commercial property
Scale X {} = 1.0: {$c.getGeometryScale()} JavaScript expression using a function from the Context

:!: Setting a scaling factor will influence a child node as well, even if the child node's scale shows 1.


Each node can be assigned to a Layer. The Layers give an extra option to filter for nodes.