You need to select a Product in either Products or Assets/Commercial to enter this page. If no Product is selected, you will be re-directed automatically.
Information on how to assign properties to 3D components can be found in Specials.
Creating the structure of a product starts on this page or can be done with the help of the IG.GFX.Factory.
The structure page is devided into two sections. On the left hand there is the structure hierarchy, on the left hand, the single nodes can be added.
The hierarchy gives an overview of the currently constructed structure. The node names are displayed either as the path name or as the description name (if a description is added to a node). The hierarchy can be expanded if a node has one or more subnodes. Click the little plus sign to expand. If a special line of the hierarchy is choosen, the table on the right side will be filtered by the choosen hierarchy level.
Inside the table the overall structure of the articel can be added. Here changes for position, rotation or visibility are provieded.
When starting with a new structure the root node is given. All other nodes needs to be created manualy.
Creating new nodes can be done with the help of the right click menu. This provides options to create new nodes, move a selected node or clone one.
After creating nodes they can be added by pressing the Edit button at the end of each line.
Notice, the layout will change. Take care of the labels while filling the areas.
Each area expects a value. If no value is assigned, a default value is taken, automatically.
Positions are provided in meters.
Rotations are provided in degrees. Each node can only hold one rotation around one axis.
If more than one rotation axis is needed, this must be done by creating several child nodes.
There are four options.
For position, rotation or visibility a fix value or a JavaScript snipped can be entered:
Visible {} = true: false | Set a fix value |
Visible {} = true: {ComShowComponent === 'Yes'} | Simple JavaScript expression using a Commercial property |
Visible {} = true: {$c.toggleVisibility()} | JavaScript expression using a function from the Context |
To learn more about using JavaScript expressions and Context functions, see the following links: Needs to be provided
Also the assignement of Interactors and Evaluators can be controlled here. If an Interactor or Evaluator is available for a node, the checkbox is checked. Each node can only have one Interactor and one Evaluator.
To assign an Interactor or Evaluator the corresponding line needs to be selected. Then go to the Interactor or Evaluator page to choose one.
Notice if an Evaluator is assigned, the evaluator structure is not shown inside the Structure table!