Table of Contents

Package For Geometry Creation

A package for geometry creation is used to tell a person what needs to be done for geometry creation and what is expected as end result. This package consists of:

Price List

Usually this one is provided by the customer. It holds the information of:

In case a price list is not available yet, ask for one. In case a customer cannot offer one, the project must be rejected till one is available.


The images give a visualization of the articles to build. They should be provided by the customer. In case images are not available, ask for them. In case a customer cannot offer them, the project must be rejected till they are available. It is not advisable to search for images on your own. Sometimes customers have a webshop with their products. In case this is known, it can be used as a compliment. Best to send the links for the images here.

In case the provision can be influenced, always ask for images from:

Proved dimensions of parts

Before starting the modeling, the 3D artist needs to have exact dimensions. The price list can help for getting rough dimensions like:

Exact dimensions like the dimensions of a seat cushion or leg dimensions must be provided by the customer. In case the full dimensions of an article cannot be offered, the article cannot be built.

Sometimes there is just a handful of dimensions given. Check if other dimensions can be calculated from the given ones. In case there is a simple couch given:

What would be the width of the frame part and seat cushions?

In case a dimension could not be calculated, ask the customer for detailed dimensions.

When having a set of dimensions, check if:

While checking the dimensions, the given dimensions from the price list are the leading ones. In case something doesn't match it must be adjusted to fit the bounding boxes in the price list.

As a result of the checking of the dimensions, a cleared document should be provided to the 3D artist, that lists all articles with their correct dimensions. Use this template, it was designed with libre office draw: dimensions.pdf

While creating this document, also, take the dependency of different configurations and dimensions into account and list this inside the document.


The index gives an overview and a construction manual for the 3D artist and the data creators.
It is saved as: index.xlsx.
The index.xlsx is sent to the 3D artist and is stored inside the git inside the Geometries folders. The index lists all articles and all needed geometries for a package and a project. To combine geometry and an article add an “x” into the field.


Geometries Couch 2Seater 2AL Couch 1Seater 1AL_R
ArmRest_L x
ArmRest_R x x
SeatCushion x
SeatBack x x
FramePart_2Seater x

The top line holds all articles from the price list. The names should match the price list to keep the overview. The first columns hold the needed geometries. The names follow a specific schema: Link needs to be provided!

Geometries that will be used multiple times will be addressed in multiple article fields of the table.
In case geometry is not assigned to an article, the field is left empty.
In case a geometry will be used multiple times inside one article (e.g. legs) this is not noted inside the index.

Next to this part of the table, there is also a section that adds information:


Geometries Couch 2Seater 2AL Couch 1Seater 1AL_R Normalmaps HighResGeometries Delivered Approved
ArmRest_L x x x x x
ArmRest_R x x x x x
SeatCushion x
SeatBack x x
FramePart_2Seater x

The kind of additionals to be delivered depends on the project.