RegistryVersion (number, required) - The version of the IGD Module registration format, currently 1.
Version (string, optional) - The version of the IGD Module to be displayed by the Host.
InitialWidth (number, required) - The initial width in pixels, the Module wants to have initially.
InitialHeight (number, required) - The initial height in pixels, the Module wants to have initially.
StartPage (string, required) - The start page to be called initially. The value must be a url, relative to MODULE/src/pages.
StartIndex (number, optional) - The index, the start page represents with regard to the initial page count, to be used for a progress bar, for instance.
InitialPageCount (number, required) - The initial count of pages to be used for a progress bar, for instance.
ShowProgress (boolean, optional) - Defines if the Host should display the progress bar. If unspecified, the bar will be displayed.
Online (boolean, required) - Defines if the Module can work offline, or needs online access. This tells the Host if the Module can be started or not.
Locales (string[], optional) - An array of locales, according to ISO 639-1, that are explicitly provided as localised pages.
DefaultLocale (string, optional) - The default locale to be used if the locale requested by the Host is not available in the Module. Note, the DefaultLocale is not necessarily contained in Locales.