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Ticket System

For every project you work on, there is a ticket space for the respective project in

  • The ticket system can be used for multiple purposes i-e:
    1. Planning the work and time accounting.
    2. Assigning tasks with priority management.
    3. To ask about any problems related to the project and keep the time record of the problems.
    4. Monitoring of handling, time spent, and quality of work.
    5. Systematic collection of questions and answers.
    6. Containing detailed descriptions of the problem being experienced, attempted solutions or workarounds, and other relevant information
    7. After completing the project and testing, you can create a ticket and assign it to the testing group for the final test.


  • For every Specific Domain into the ticket system there is a wiki page, which has all the details of Domain & Sub Domain. Please check the wiki page for all the project-related material and guidelines.


  • When a project is completed, it should be updated to the
  • There is always a relevant git repository for the data to be uploaded.
  • Write a commit message (short description) every time git is updated.The message shoud start as [ domain_name ] commit message
ig.guidelines/extras.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/04 08:04 by